Everyday – Line Drawings Final Outcome


One of my two final outcomes. I made a poster/ Desktop background of detailed line drawings. the drawings represent all my interests

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POSTERobjects background


I used Sketch book pro ( a free and very useful app) to accurately draw everything I wanted to represent my interests and hobbies. I focused on making the images as clear and accurate as possible and avoided using colour or shade. I carefully cropped all the images and then placed on an A1 background using photoshop, then it was just a matter of altering the scale and layout until i was happy with the outcome. I wanted the better more successful and more interesting images to take up larger areas and then filled in the gaps with the less interesting and mundane images.Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 08.38.04 Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 08.47.24 Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 09.00.49

18th Century British Army Info Graphics

recoats 1745

I wanted to a make a large scale infographic clearly illustrating the appearance and equipment of a British soldier. I particularly focused on the men of the British army that defeated the Jacobite (Catholic) rebellion in 1745. I chose this because I have visited the battlefield myself and have several books to reference from.

I wanted to make this after I had bought a book called Great Battles & Armies: A Comprehensive Guide to Key Events in Military History by Susana Ribot with help from Historian Frederic Claver. I have to be honest Frederic Claver is an amateur historian, there were so many mistakes and incorrectly named or dated weapons, tactics etc. etc. Especially his page on the British Army. The soldier drawn on the page had the wrong weapon which was incorrectly described as a Rifle, it wasn’t a rifle it was a musket (there is a massive difference) and the illustration was a pretty useless representation.

Therefore! I decided to make my own, with 100% accuracy on uniform weaponry and correct names for equipment. Below is my progress of the illustrations which I will now annotate on Indesign before printing off in A1.


More Line Drawings for Everyday

uk outline thunderbolt soldier outline snowspeeder sailing ship


I don’t play anymore, but rugby was a big part of my life from age 9 up untill I stopped age 18. I also have vivid memories of England wining the world cup against Australia in 2003 so to illustrate my passion for rugby i made a line drawing of Johnny Wilkinson setting up for a conversion.rugby pith helmet


This is the Kellett family motto, that translates roughly to ” His virture will carry him to the heavens. ” I hand drew this typeface  and then edited on my computer. MOTO  copy


When I was in school I joined the schools cadets. below is a line drawing of an The L85A1 rifle which I got to use with live rounds on firing ranges and firing blanks in the fields  behind the school in practice fire drills.

l80 rifle


I bought a replica off this 18th century musket after visiting Cullodeon battlefield near Inverness in Scotland, the musket was used by the British and British Empire forces between 1740 and 1830brown bess


Between yr9 and yr11 I was a student at blundells school in Devon



For everyday I made line drawings that represented things that use everyday or had been thinking about when I started this weeks word. I Also did things that are important to me I kept all the drawings simple and clean for a final pice for the word everyday I want to add more drawings to the collection and fill a page with all of them, which could then be used as a desktop background for my computer.


I have supported Tottenham all my life and recently went to watch them play for the first time. I have posters and scarves about tottenham hung up in my room and read at least an article about them everyday.

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My xbox is always switched on either because Im playing a game on it, or because I’m watching apps on it. I like to have it on when Im working, I prefer having a film on when I am designing rather than listening to music.

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The most important and treasured item I have at university.

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Although its now moved on to a new home I will never forget my old car. I loved it and passing my test and tearing round country lanes and driving to the beach is my fondest memory of my teenage years.

polo outline 2


Im deeply interested in military history and spend a lot of time reading and watching documentaries about military history. To represent this I drew this canon that i photographed when on holiday in Amsterdam.

cannon jpeg

Mapping Box hill

Probably the first brief that I felt was aimed at what I’m interested in, the task was to map out box hill. However instead of making a map of the conventional tracks that on this particular day was full of families because it was half term, my group decided to find our own way from the fort to the stepping stones. Because these were in our opinion the two most interesting parts of Box Hill. We new that the river at the bottom of the hill would take us to the stepping stones, so rather than walk the long way round we decided to go in a straight line down the step wooded side of the hill, because well its more fun and tourists walk slowly.


The ‘Fort is not actually a fort, its a ammunition / supply depot for Territorial army units from Surrey during the late 1800’s, the fort is behind the national trust visitor centre and is clearly neglected there is rubbish everywhere and apart from one small information board there is nothing going on and everything is locked. Instead the national trust have spent there budget on a face painting stand and signs about stupid bugs that no one is ever likely to find. So as a small protest about the poor treatment of this late Victorian relic we jumped over the fence and climbed on the roof to get a better look.

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for the next part of the journey we literally went in a straight line from the fort towards the river this was in hindsight a silly thing to do because it was very steep and a long way to the bottom, however after an hour and a bit we managed to make it to the river at the bottom of the hill.


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I don’t think the pictures do justice to just how steep and slippery the hill was. Its obvious why it was seen as a good place for the British army to protect London from.


Once again a disappointment, it was a very beautiful stretch of river and the stones were quite a fun way of crossing over. however either side of the stones the stairs onto the path were like a battlefield and there was rubbish everywhere again! There weren’t any bins or even a place to sit down.

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After are aggressive decent down to the stepping stones we decided to use the path to get back up the hill this was also because I was quite muddy and sweaty and it was lunch time. we did manage to see quite stunning views which was a nice end to the day.

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The Blitz Info-graphics

battle of britian infographics

This is my final outcome for week 4. the piece is A1 size and i will be printing it out in the near future so I can see it full size rather than on my computer screen. below are screen shots of my progress of putting the info graphics. I had already previously collected all the imagery and symbols and most of the statistics were scribbled down in my sketchbook. it took me around 6 hours to finish the work but this was mainly down to my ability to use photoshop correctly.

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th I used an outline to position the text and imagery but I decided that I preffered the map without it, I also hoped that people would work out for themselves that it was a ‘map’ of the UK.

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I tried my by best to keep organised by creating folders for all the different cities and symbols

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BRIEF 2, Week 4 ” Wasteland”


For wasteland I wanted to avoid doing something to obvious like nuclear or chemical disaster and wanted to continue my theme of information graphics about history from last weekend. After my visit to the imperial war museum I wanted to focus on the Blitz. Between 1940-1941 Britain was under constant attack from the Blitz as the RAF desperately tried to defend the skies. Europe was under Nazi control and the USA had not yet joined the war.


I spent four hours hand drawing a map of the UK on A0 size paper, because I did it freehand i often had to re adjust areas which was time consuming, Once I had got my map looking as accurate as possible I went over in fine liner and the i could start to think about filling the map with information about Britain being a wasteland during WW2.


Using a table in a book called ‘The Night Blitz’  by John Ray (page 264) I added all the cities that were most impacted by the blitz writing how many bombs were dropped during the blitz and how many major raids there were. The more a city was bombed the larger I made the name.I also added in illustrations and other interesting and related facts I came across anything to do with death and destruction and Britain being turned into a war zone.


this is a far as my progress got with the hand drawn info graphics. Illustrating the whole of the uk would have taken an extremely long time and i was starting to move away from info graphics.I wanted the map to be filled with information and statistics with just a few symbols and pictures. hand rendering all the typography would take far two long to be anyway near neat enough. So i decided to put the map to one side and make a digital version.

BREIF 2 The list of Thirteen Weeks # 3


I decided that rather than making a digitalised series of info graphics that I wanted to make one huge illustrated poster that can be read and examined like a book or admired from a distance as a piece of artwork.

I wanted to balance information and artwork and tried to limit the amount of writing as much a s possible, I Also decided to simplify the maps as much as possible and use the map to represent one subject only.

I enjoyed doing so much illustration on such a large scale and am pleased with my progress so far. I just need to finish the poster by adding information about trade and industry using raw materials from the empire that was then trading across the rest off the world.

BREIF 2 The list of Thirteen Week # 3


Inspired by my visit to the Imperial war museum, i wanted to make an Info graphics based on Britons role as a world superpower before the First World War. Focusing on world trade, the Empire, the Royal Navy and Investment and currency. the title for the info graphics would be along the lines of ‘how Britain built the structure of the modern world’.IMG_1671

Most of information came from The Times Complete History of the World edited by Richard Overy. It gave me all the basic facts and figures to allow me to further research everything i need to compile and accurate and detailed info-graphicsIMG_1670 IMG_1669 IMG_1668

These are some quick drafts of what I wanted to place on the info graphics